Colorful Foil Prints

This week we are experimenting with printmaking. Printmaking is a fancy way of saying, make a design on one object and transfer it to another object. A very simple printmaking tool is a stamp! Before we get into the art project, take a look at this fun video by Scratch Garden.

For this project you will need white paper (you can use the back of a piece of junk mail), wet sponge or paper towel, foil, washable markers, and a permanent marker like a sharpie. If you do not have a permanent marker, try using a dark crayon. Start by creating a design on your white paper using the sharpie or crayon. This can be ANYTHING you want it to be. I did a rainbow but maybe you want to do a dog, flower, house, portrait of your grandma, or a rocket blasting off into outer space. Next, trace the size of your paper onto the foil using the sharpie. Inside of that rectangle COLOR, COLOR, COLOR. Fill up the entire space using washable markers. You can do stripes, squares, circles, and random way you want to color. Next, wet the paper using a damp sponge or paper towel. Flip it over onto the marker and abracadabra you have color! Here is a video tutorial.